Thursday, December 29, 2005
Venting, Reflection, and My Apology!
Ok, I'm here to post but before I get to what I really want to write about I have to vent...on a couple of issues.
The first issue is about some lameass little prick over at Scotty's, one of his commenters that has absolutely no fucking brain! How dare this twirp call Scotty's faithful followers and true friends Ugly Duckling Women! Obviously he is a sexually oppressed gay idiot! Or maybe a sexually oppressed straight white idiot, I don't know! He has nothing better to do than whack his own weenie and since it's too small to find he finds some sort of sick pleasure bashing all of Scotty's gurls. I feel for you Scotty my friend that you have to subject yourself to this sort of asswipe! That's all I'll say on that issue since I'm really in the mood to let people have it! And I don't mean in a nice way!
Issue number two is a family issue I am having and I have to bring you up to speed with a little bit of family history...
My sister got pregnant with her first child when she was 17, had the child at 18. She tried like hell to be a good mom and for the most part she was...UNTIL the child became a teenager with a bad attitude. She ran away form home at 16, to initially live with some boy, but when the boy dumped her and she refused to go home to her mothers, she was allowed in to my parents home. They felt they couldn't refuse her because she was thier grandchild and they didn't want to watch her get herself into trouble. Everything was fine for a while, other than a very pissed off sister that just wanted her child home but didn't know how to go about making that happen. Anyway, that child is now 23 with more of a bad attitude than I've ever seen. She disrespects everyone and uses everyone and feels we all owe her something. Nobody ever stands up to this girl because we are all trying to keep the peace in a very dysfunctional family. She fucks up and there is always one or more of us there to bail her out. She owes money up the ying yang and dodges creditors left and right. She has absolutely no idea how to keep a clean place and walks around with her nose stuck up in the air like she is more important than GOD. She is on a self destructive path and anyone that she meets along her way gets destroyed also. Yes I'm talking aobut my NIECE here. And I'm ashamed to say that I don't know how to love this girl anymore. Well, to bring you to the real eason for my venting...about a year ago, I brought a kitten home with me. We had just lost a cat not too long before that and I wanted it as a replacement. When I brought it in Baby Girl burst into tears and cried for hours because she felt we were "forgetting" our beloved Jazzy. She couldn't handle the thought of another cat to love and to make matters worse, Iggy, my daughters cat immediately started attacking this poor little kitten. The lady I got it from told me to bring it back to her if there were any problems and this was what I intended. UNTIL, my niece came in just before I was about to leave. She loved the kitten right away as did her Rotweiller which was very odd. The two animals bonded and I agreed to let my niece take the cat. On conditions though. She was to never abuse or neglect the cat and she was to get it fixed asap. I even gave her a ton of money for whatever needed to be done at the vets and I bought her all the stuff she'd need for it...litter box,food, toys...the works! She promised to care for the cat and hesitantly I let it go with her.
Now a year later the situation is this...Niece has been evicted from two apartments for either not paying rent or letting the animals piss all over the place. When she was at her last apartment, which is about 45 minutes from here, she met a guy that lived an hour in the opposite direction. She imediately started "living" or should I say "staying overnight" with this guy. This was about six months ago...Four of those months she left the cat all alone in the apartment she was renting going over to feed it about two times a week and NEVER staying with it for more than five minutes unless her and the guy were fighting. The cat was left to fend for itself. About two months ago she got evicted from that apartment...and came to live here in town. She is now renting a small house that is a dump and brought the cat with her. Now the cat lives in this small house all by itself and she still only goes up to feed it every few days. It has no litter in it's catbox, only wads of toilet paperbecause my niece is too lazy to go get it real litter. And still it's ALL ALONE! The once loving and friendly kitten is now a year old cat that is scred to death of anything that moves and lives in the closet of that house because it's too afraid to come out. So, this brings you up to speed...and this also brings me to the problem. A few days ago my mother and I, who are avid animal lovers, found out that niece is going to New York for New Years and is leaving the cat and her Rottie alone in that little house with food out on the floor. My mother got very upset over this. We had a conversation about how someone should really have a voice for the animals and call the autorities. We also talked about how this would really cause havoc in the family and decided against it. The same day I had to go to my sister's house and we talked about that same conversation I had had with my mother. I also told my sister that I really wanted to take the cat, if Niece would give it up. Niece refuses to give it up. Anyway... I no longer left my sisters house when she called niece right up and told her of the conversation we had had. Niece got angry (only because she knows she's in the wrong) and instead of calling me to ream me out, she called my mother, who is still sick and can't deal with any stress. To make a very long story (sorry) a little shorter, mom basically was told to fuck off and stay out of nieces life and was very hurt by my nieces words. Mom told me tonight that niece is no longer welcome in her home. This pissed me off to the point of calling nieces cell phone and reaming her right back. It's all a big mess and I feel partially responsible since it all started with a conversation I had that I just happened to mention to my sister. BIG MISTAKE THAT WON'T BE REPEATED!!! Mom is hurt and I'm ready to slap my niece. So there, I'm done venting now. And it actually helped a little! Thanks to all of you if you actually got through that...
Ok, now for what I really want to write about. My full intention was to blog about "Reflections From and Past Year". This is a time of year when people make resolutions and reflect on things that either went wrong or right over the last year. My life has had some major highs and major lows over the last year and those resolutions I had made last year are only a memory. Never stuck to one of them! I have some resolutions for this year, some that I really want to stick to. I think what I am going to do is post about it tomorrow. My mind is so bogged with anger I can't even begin to sort out what I want to say. So, my good blogger buddies, please bare with me and allow my mind to settle a bit. Tomorrow I will blog about what I REALLY want to write about and I can only hope it will be entertaining for you all. Blessings to all and Love too!