
Monday, January 23, 2006
Here We Go Again! ARGH!!!

Ok, I just can't take all the sickness anymore! Once again my baby girl is sick. This time it's her throat. She started Friday night at her game by losing her voice, but felt fine so she went to her dance anyway. The whole weekend, her throat wasn't sore but her voice was a mess. She had that cold a couple of weeks ago and I was thinking it was leftover from that. Eveyone else around here is going through shit like that too. Just can't shake it. Well, today she got up and felt ok, no voice, and that was to school she went. At 10:00 she called needing cough drops. I took them up and asked if she was ok other than that...she said she was. With the snow storm, her game got cancelled tonight so home she came at 2:00. Her throat was sore and I couldn't get her into the docs till Wednesday morning for a strep test. I made her open her mouth and I looked for white spots, which I couldn't find. She couldn't barely do that because it was making her gag. I searched the cupboard for medicine and got out the cepacol, the zicam, and the tylenol! Nothing seems to be working and I never know if she's telling me the truth when I ask her how she's feeling. Taking medicines has always been a nightmare around here. Something simple like chewable Tylenol makes her throw up. So tonight was no exception. She took the Zicam fine, since it has no real taste, just chalky texture. Even the Tylenol went down fine...but the Cepacol was another story...She cried and begged me to let her spit it out the whole way through. Does it ever get any easier for these kids to take medicines? She can't swallow even a tic tac whole so that type of medicine doesn't work for us. Here I am, It's 9:30, and I'm emotionally drained just from the evening of fighting with ehr to take soemthing to make herself well. My own throat is a little sore and since I'm prone to any virus that adheres to the throat, I'm willing to bet that I'll be coming down with it soon...I'll be surprised if I don't get it! Yippee for Me! I really need to go to bed but Hubby won't be home for another hour or so and I'll just wake back up when he comes in if I go to sleep now. I'm totally stressed out and an emotional wreck...I HATE IT WHEN ANY OF US GET SICK! I just don't handle it well. I even go as far as asking baby girl about twenty times an hour how she's feeling even if she only has a cold and I know it. And just think, I used to work in a nursing home where there was nothing but sickness...I even contemplated not too long ago goign to school to get my nursing degree. How could I handle that if I can't even handle what goes on in my own home. It would all be much easier if Baby would just get past this point with the medicine going down...God I'm Drained!
And I really hate posts taht are all about venting...but hey, that's what Julie's life seems to be all about lately. Bare with me people, better, more positive times are coming soon I hope...
Stay healthy all!